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The densification of concrete is a chemical process that consists of filling the porosity of the concrete on the surface, improving its characteristics of resistance to abrasion, impermeability and dust blocking. In addition, it provides an aesthetic finish with an appearance similar to marble, giving the floor a natural shine that can be enhanced by applying a light polish with resinoid or phenolic tools.

The densifier is a chemically reactive liquid that penetrates and solidifies the components of the concrete surface transforming them into a solid mass. Produces a concrete surface that is denser, harder and permanently resistant to penetration and abrasion.

It is inorganic, non-toxic, colorless and odorless and does not contain volatile organic compounds (VOC).

At DUROTEC we work with market leading products applying ASHFORD FORMULA densifiers to new concrete and RETROPLATE to existing and deteriorated pavements. Both are reagents that penetrate cement-based materials, protecting, preserving and permanently reinforcing them.


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We will obtain a shiny and clean appearance, instead of eroding or wearing out, with a simple proper protocol and regularly applied to the pavement. Gloss can be enhanced by light polishing with resin or phenolic tools.

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Reduces maintenance costs

It is a one-time permanent application. This eliminates the need to reapply expensive materials, as well as labor costs and plant downtime. For long-term maintenance, only routine surface cleaning is needed. Makes it easy to remove tire marks, clean up, and remove spill marks.

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Densifies concrete surfaces and transforms them into a solid mass because it penetrates and chemically fills the pores from the inside.

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Greater resistance to friction

According to tests, it is less slippery when wet and dry. The coefficient of friction on samples with steel trowel polishing on a reference slab compared to Ashford Formula results in a less slippery surface (Wet: 0.69 compared to 0.47//Dry: 0.86 on compared to 0.71) and on impact: up to 13.3% increase on surfaces treated with Ashford Formula over untreated samples, and up to 21% on surfaces treated with Retroplate.

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Anti dust

The application of our densifier chemically locks the calcium hydroxide and it becomes an integral part of the concrete, making the surface completely dust-tight. This reduces maintenance costs and protects inventory and equipment from concrete dust.

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Abrasion resistance

Chemically hardens the concrete surface, increasing abrasion resistance by up to 32% with Ashford Formula in new concrete and up to 400% with Retroplate in existing concrete. Reduces wear and tear caused by heavy machinery traffic.

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Increased adhesion

They present a good grip on the paint if it is necessary to mark a specific area, increasing adhesion on untreated surfaces by up to 22%.


One of the issues that customers ask when choosing a densifier is the price of the treatment.

In this aspect, there is no fixed price, since it depends on many factors.

The main factor will be the state of the concrete: new, existing or deteriorated.

Another will be the size of the facilities, as it will vary if it is large, if there are many pillars or manual application areas.

And finally, the level of finish of the concrete that the client wants according to needs and use.

The truth is that, although the price of the finish in euros per m2 is higher than that of a troweled concrete or conventional, untreated concrete, in the long term it means savings in the facilities, for multiple reasons, such as cleaning and maintenance, energy , repairs, costs of reapplications, and stops of business activity.

If you have an industrial flooring and need more information, send us your information through the form that you will find in the contact tab.


DUROTEC-GLASSTONE S.L. ha recibido una ayuda para la ejecución del proyecto de Investigación y Desarrollo, de título “DESARROLLO DE PRODUCTO INTEGRAL PARA EL TRATA-MIENTO ECO – SOSTENIBLE Y PROTECCIÓN FRENTE A AGENTES QUÍMICOS DE PA-VIMENTOS DE HORMIGÓN” y número de expediente IDI-20230298, a través del Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación (CDTI), ayuda cofinanciada por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) a través del Programa Operativo Plurirregional de España 2021 – 2027.

El objetivo general del proyecto consiste en el desarrollo de una tecnología ecosostenible e integral para el tratamiento de las superficies de hormigón en estado fresco que sea capaz de realizar de forma simultánea la densificación, el curado y la protección del hormigón. Asimismo, durante la ejecución, se cuenta con la colaboración de la entidad TESELA, Materiales, Innovación y Patrimonio S.L.

El proyecto se desarrolla en las instalaciones de Andalucía en el periodo comprendido entre octubre de 2022 y septiembre 2024, y con un presupuesto total de ejecución de 435.245€.

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